

Hello, my name is Sarah Winbow and I am so pleased that you have found your way to our New Beginnings Discipleship web-site. My prayer is that as you explore the site you will quickly find yourself at home and want to connect with us by using our materials. Our heart and commission in New Beginnings Discipleship is simply to serve God’s Kingdom and see it grow.

Our aim is to see disciples of Jesus become so in love with Him they are willing to live counter to the prevailing culture of the world system, its mind sets, values and attitudes in order to implement His will in their lives on a day to day basis. Sincere love for God and one another is the key to this, therefore the underlying core values of New Beginnings Discipleship are found in Jesus’ twin commands (Matthew 22:37-40):

`Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: `Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.’ (NIV)

We use a gentle and flexible three-pronged discipleship process: in the first stage we use small group Bible study format to teach disciples the Word of God in a simple and straightforward way; alongside this disciples are offered personal prayer opportunities whereby they can resolve any non-Christian spiritual history in a godly way. Disciples then go on to enter the Discipleship Training School where they are not only taught to press-in deeper into their relationship with God but are also challenged about what it means to live a life on-mission in the community where He has placed them. The personal statements on our testimony page proves how, through this process, disciples are healed, built up, equipped and released into being obedient servant-hearted multiplying disciples of Jesus themselves! Glory to God.

All materials are designed for maximum flexibility and can be used in any order depending on the starting point of the individual or small group concerned.

We do not judge ‘success’ by numbers but by changed hearts and lives. On the pages that follow you can discover more about who we are, how the school came about, and how it works. You are also able to buy resources. Please feel free to contact me for more information.